Friday, October 30, 2009

Watching The Clock Series: Sick As A Dog.

Sick As A Dog; a person who is ill, various kinds of ailments, sick with stomach problems.

Being sick can keep you up all night. Feeling feverish, sweaty, clammy, chilly, and twisting in pain can be quite hard to fall asleep to. Waking up at intervals to take the appropriate medication can also pull you out from a deep sleep. Drastic emotional states of mind can lead to the destruction of the physical state of being. Take care of yourself, only you know your limitations well.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Gallery Opening on November 13th.

I am having a small show over at the Student Commons Gallery, VCU. The show will be up from November 9th til November 20th. The opening and reception night will be on November 13th from 6:00pm til 9:00pm. So come by or check it out. There will be refreshments at the reception. Hope you can make it out.

Thank you for your support. :]
Look forward to seeing you there.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Watching The Clock Series: Dreamsequence 6: Bull Stampede

Grab The Bull By Its Horns; Dealing problems head-on, taking charge.

Problems won't go away, you have a big, white elephant in the room. Suppression does buy you some time, but you will have to pay twice the price later on. These are words to avoid: delay, hesitance, procrastinate, rain-check, hindrance, suppression, bottle up, sit-with, endure... Take the bulls by their horns, take them on, one by one, dwindle down the stampede. You are not just a matador, but a conqueror of life and every precious moment of it. So live for the moment now.

Watching The Clock Series: Dreamsequence 5

Birds Of A Feather Flock Together; Those of similar taste congregate in groups.

Scientifically: Ornithologists explain this behavior as a 'safety in numbers' tactic to reduce their risk of predation.

Psychologically: We are creature who self-divide ourselves into cliches and categories and subcategories. We give ourselves labels and praise amongst those who fit our mold and we scowl at those who do not fit in and yet again, label them too. It is a tough world to live in when one must give in to conformity in order to gain status. We contemplate whether it is worth it. America was suppose to be the land of freedom and all about individuality, but you will find that beneath the surface, are hidden cookie-cutter traps and agendas of conformity whether subtle or blatantly obvious. Come as you are, do not give in to social pressure, on the other hand, do not try and seek for attention in extravagant ways either.

Just be, and be so content just being.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Watching The Clock Series: Big Fish In A Small Pond

Self-Perception, Mental States and Social Situations.

Ambitious, passionate, motivated states of mind move us along through the hurdles of life. Sometimes we stay idle in life because we are comfortable with the current situation. But what is life without challenges, without change, without successes and failures. We cannot forever be the big fish in the small pond. It will be difficult to be pulled out of the box we sometimes put ourselves in. Sometimes we need to prod, provoked, challenged, and made feel uncomfortable. Without all those things, we would not be willing to strive to better ourselves and broaden our horizons. Sometimes it is okay to be the little fish in the big pond, to be challenged. We must always keep moving forward. We must not think of ourselves as being immune to anything or everything, because we must prepare ourselves for the unexpected. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, so your weakness are revealed, then build and strengthen yourself up and be ready to face the unexpected.

"You might be a big fish, in a little pond, doesn't mean you've won, cause along may come, a bigger one." -Coldplay.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Newest Addition to "Watching The Clock."

Time Management

Ever find yourself sitting restlessly through work or class, or a meeting that's mandatory, or simply traffic? That restlessness comes from the need and urgency to complete more errands and chores ahead. The frustration and anger comes from the inability to easily work through the to-do list because the present situation is holding up the rest. It is quite true to many levels that we spend our times in the future or the past, but very rarely and slim that we genuinely think of only the present and the now. We think of things we need to do, we think of things we have done, but never really do we think of the thing we are currently doing.
All that stressing, worrying, and frustrated-stuck feelings are not going to make the current situation speed u
p. It just decrease the joy and attention we could have given to that moment in time. So take things one at a time. Do not weigh yourself down with stress of future concerns that might not even exist. Plan and prepare, but then enjoy the present moment, what will come, will come.

Live for the moment now.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Newest Addition To "Watching The Clock."

So essentially, this image is replacing the first one, with the bunny rabbits.

There is a direct correlation with felines' nature and that of human nature, curiosity. "Curiosity killed the cat." Well, curiosity can be a cause of death for our kind too. You ever hear strange sounds during the middle of the night and run around barefoot to seek out the source from which they are coming from? It's rather risky and dangerous if you think about it. However, curiosity moves mankind forward. Progression in any aspect is due to a good portion of curiosity. It keeps us on edge, it keeps us engage, it keeps us wanting to explore and discover the unknown, but it may also bring us to our sudden deaths if we are oblivious to warning signs.

So let curiosity keep you company through the night, take your hand and lead you away, but just remember, don't stray too far.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

In-Progress: Studio Project: Watching The Clock

This is a reflective project that look at human's subconscious mind from a psychological stance before sleep, during sleep and all the hours tossing and turning in between. The subconscious in between, the things that keeps you up at night, ailing thoughts, concerns, worries, stress, troubling day, the future, the past, the present, etc.

The concept is portray through a series of long exposure images with elements consisting of an elaborate light drawing, a model, and a burst of flash to freeze the model. The interaction between the light drawing and model illustrates animal idioms and phrases, such as "curiosity killed the cat, busy as a bee, bi
g white elephant in the room, blind as a bat, etc. Each animal chosen portrays a characteristic that we possess and apply to the dark part of the day. We are curious in our thoughts, we are restless at night busy planning for the next day, we reflect upon ourselves as how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves, we are blinded in our ways, we run from reality, we are sometimes the producer of the pits we fall into. Each image portrays a state of mind, an emotion, a dreamlike scene, reflecting our nightly journeys.

Dark, yet hopeful; endure, thrive, repeat.

First of the series:


"The big, white elephant in the room." Well, let's start out with how awkward that situation might be. Waste no time avoiding the issue. The problem will not go away so just surrender and give it some attention and care. Whether big or small issues, tackle it and take it care of it now. It may start out small and avoidable, harmless and overlooked, but when it sits in the corner of your room and towers over you, the only thing you can do is look it straight in the eyes.