Thursday, October 8, 2009

Newest Addition To "Watching The Clock."

So essentially, this image is replacing the first one, with the bunny rabbits.

There is a direct correlation with felines' nature and that of human nature, curiosity. "Curiosity killed the cat." Well, curiosity can be a cause of death for our kind too. You ever hear strange sounds during the middle of the night and run around barefoot to seek out the source from which they are coming from? It's rather risky and dangerous if you think about it. However, curiosity moves mankind forward. Progression in any aspect is due to a good portion of curiosity. It keeps us on edge, it keeps us engage, it keeps us wanting to explore and discover the unknown, but it may also bring us to our sudden deaths if we are oblivious to warning signs.

So let curiosity keep you company through the night, take your hand and lead you away, but just remember, don't stray too far.

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